Road to Enlightenment

Welcome to our Road to Enlightenment, a great journey to your life. It is a four-stop road to find your authentic genius, higher purpose and meaning, and eventually enlightened self, your final destination to life. Unlike the route to An Examined Life that you live every day, this road is a long road to life. You have four unique noble missions that you need to accomplish to reach the final destination.

Four Missions To Life

We know our entire life in general is a great journey where we see and experience enormous things during this noble venture. But compared to regular and conventional journey to life, the enlightenment paths are little challenging and adventurous as there are many checkpoints and roadblocks to overcome. However, to live an enlightened life with easy access and simplicity, we have erected four noble paths that will take to your most desired destination to life. Your first mission is to become an Authentic Human. You need to make or create a living path where you will become fully yourself. You need to find an authentic role which can’t be affected by any social pressures, or any type of external influences. After you accomplish your mission being and living authentic for a period of time, you will move to the next mission that is recognizing your creative genius. During this mission, you need to flourish all the natural skills and artistic power you are gifted for on the planet. Once you discover your true talent, you will then move to your next mission which is discovering your Aesthetic Self, the true art and beauty in life. Once you find the true meaning of life followed by all the art & beauty life has to offer, you are all set to reach at your final destination, your ultimate enlightenment in life.  

Mission 1: Authentic Human

Mission 2: Artistic Human

Mission 3: Aesthetic Human

Destination: Enlightenment