Venue of Wisdom

We always thought to teach people on the streets, so we designed Venue of Wisdom

Yes, this is true. Teaching people and giving them wisdoms on the streets like those ancient Greece schools was always our intense passion and pursuit. But, time and space wasn’t there as we were waiting for a right place and right time. Eventually, when time clicked, we took our chance to design a place Venue of Wisdom  that sits next to a street corner.

And, of course, this is in the front corner of our garden.


Why Life Box? Why Happiness box?


Who doesn’t want happiness? Who doesn’t want to breathe a life?

Philosophically, these are the two things that every single human being wants to touch and feel. But, how? Where? and when? Nobody knows the true whereabouts of these two things. If all knew the right route of these two things, we would see a different world. Because truly, these are the two things that are mostly hard to find in the world right now. All want to buy, but they aren’t available in the market thanks hectic life and rat-race again.

But, we took an altered philosophical journey to bring you Life and Happiness. For years, we explored and thought to find a best program about Life and Happiness that will provoke your thoughts and ignite your souls. Our Life Box and Happiness Box are simply the reaction out of these thoughts. We crafted some great lines and wisdoms both for life and happiness. And, we designed a simple goal. You just grab one that provokes your thoughts and then start living.



How it Works


Our Venue of Wisdom comprises two Wisdom Boxes: Life Box and Happiness Box where life box contains wisdoms about life and happiness box holds wisdoms about happiness. There are a bunch of wooden plaques or wisdoms in the woods in each box. Each plaque represents a specific wisdom either about life or happiness. All the wisdoms are free and available for public.  Any pedestrian or passer-by can grab wisdoms that provoke their thoughts. But, we request not to take more than one at a time.